It’s Not 5 Services… It’s 5 Parts of 1 Service.
It seems that every reputation management company is throwing in social media as part of their offering. As a result, social media companies are scrambling to add reputation components to their service in order to keep up. All of them are missing the boat when it comes to the impact of reputation and social media on organic search rankings. Dealer Influence is the properly mixed collision of search, social and reputation specialists who have developed a service that makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts.
Efficient… Unlike the rest of the companies serving the automotive industry, only Dealer Influence brings the proper mix of search, social, and reputation management greatness together in a way that makes your dealership’s online exposure resonate with the local audience. The three disciplines are interwoven to enhance the overall quality of each. It’s a beautiful and efficient model unlike any other. Don’t just hope for more customers. Influence them.
Effective… When everything is working together in harmony, the results are epic. The current strategy used by, or on behalf of most dealers is a system of automated feeds and ineffective posts that do nothing for your overall exposure. Your reputation should be influencing the buyers in your area to want to do business with you. That’s the whole point. With Dealer Influence, your customers and potential customers will be drawn to you.
Results… This isn’t a process. It’s a strategy. Our system is designed to draw true return on investment in ways that most dealers (and even vendors) simply could never have imagined. You will get more positive reviews. You will get direct contacts from those customers who were not happy with their experience. The testimonials you receive will be promoted in ways that will reach thousands. The results will be apparent immediately and indefinitely.