To Who it concerns : I got the worst service i have ever gotten at a dealership from (Dealership) in Mt Vernon,In. I bought a car from there, and i was kinda talked into buying the Zylion car protectant…!!!! What a big mistake that was on my part……Would never do that again,,,, Well anyway they was suppose to contact me to come and get this stuff put on( which takes 4 hrs) ….plus get a few other things done to the car that the salesman Randy said they would take care of………. Well they never did contact me and it was 3 weeks since i bought the car !!… i finally had to call them to get this stuff done to my car ! Great Service So Far Huh…..!! Well i finally get the car in and they give me a loaner because its gonna take a while to do the stuff they got to do to the car……….(which i get back the following week) WOW…..Do i get it back alright…!!!! MY HOOD HAS DEEP SCRATCHES IN IT…….SCRATCHES ON THE DOORS BY THE HANDLES…….AND BIG SCRATCH IN THE TRUNK LID…..!!!!! REALLY GREAT SERVICE……!!!!! Plus they didnt apply the so called Zylion to the rocker panels or to the wheel wells…..PLUS they didnt even wipe any the grime from the places that it had on it…..!!!! WOW…….HERE i go again…….Finally get a hold of Randy the salesman that i got it from and we set up another time to bring the car in so they can try to get the SCRATCHES OUT… the car needed a frontend lined up on it and they was gonna do that to while they had it………Stuff in the front end that Randy said that they would take care of…….!!!! Well i finally get a call saying that my car is done and i can come and get it……..!!! WOW…..the car was even worse this time..!!! IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE HIT SOMETHING WITH THE FRONT BUMPER……..SPIDERWEBBED THE PAINT AND PUT NICE 2 1/2 INCH PAINT SCRAPE……IN IT…….!!!!! PLUS THEY CHARGED ME 49 BUCKS FOR DOING IT……!!!!!!! GREAT SERVICE DONT YOU THINK….!!! NOW TELL ME……HOW DO YOU FIX THIS PROBLEM………VERY UNHAPPY WITH THE CAR……!!!!!!