Went into dealership sat 11/23/13 bought a 2013 ford F150 reg cab truck. After got home wife came home later sat eve said what if have to put her auto in shop and she had to use my truck to transport grand kids where would they sit.Good pont there did not drive truck at all sunday was back at ford store at 9am Monday when they open.Try for 4hs to see if we could work things out. [Was willing to pay more to do so] long and short of it all was they where wanting me to spend more than could afford to do so. told them to just to put me back into my car.Manager said NO WAY AT ALL!!! I left truck at dealer rented a car to get home called back ask if they would please put a runner step on truck so wife could get into truck if she had to drive it. oh yea for 300bucks or so. went on line found runner step cost ony 150bucks. ONLY THING COULD THINK WAS shocked by deal my grand dad bought all his autos form the (dealer) family. But there management team in place to day awfull. THE ONLY THING I CAN SAY IS IF YOUR SHOPING FOR A AUTO AND PASSING (Dealership) FORD IN (town) IS KEEP ON TRUCKING YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID!! The (dealership owners’) family are nice folk do know why its run this way.BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR SURE WHAT A SHAME.