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Top Automotive Social and Content Networks to Join Today
Since 2008, there has been a continuous influx of automotive social networks. They seem to come and go, but there are a few old ones and a couple of newer ones to notice if you’re either wanting to get involved for the first time with advancing your digital marketing education or if you’ve been to all of them and it’s time to consolidate.
The last time we checked a year ago, there were 23 automotive social and content networks out there. Some have gone away. Others have grown dormant. The ones that are pumping out constant content are the ones we want to focus on here.
Let’s start with a couple of the new kids on the block:
New Networks
Dealer Bar
It would probably surprise people to learn that this is the oldest of them all. Started in 2007, it fell into disuse in 2009 and moved over to Tumblr. This year, it was revived and is now showing signs of becoming one of the best out there. Small, nimble, the content on the site is top notch, being the only one other than Dealer Refresh to have truly vetted and unique content.
Automotive Social
This is an older one as well, but we’ve heard rumors that Ralph Paglia will be taking this one up a notch (or two, or ten) in the coming months. Its original mission of being a hub for all things regarding automotive social media and reputation management, it’s now going to be a place to post all of the best practices available.
Old Networks
Automotive Digital Marketing
One of the originals, this one recently broke the 10,000 member mark and shows no signs of slowing down.
Driving Sales
Built on its own proprietary platform, Driving Sales offers a combination of blog posts, a nice forum, and vendor ratings that give dealers the heads up they need when making marketing decisions.
Dealer Refresh
Jeff Kershner’s blog has grown to be much more over the years. It has the most robust forum in the industry, a stable of regular contributors, and unique content that gives it an advantage over the others since it plays more towards quality over quantity.
Dealer Elite
Chris Saraceno’s baby has grown up. What was once the secondary network in the group has emerged as one of the most influential sites in the automotive industry.